TNS-00512 starting second listener in same node
Hi all,
I have a listener running OK with a listener in the same Solaris box, I get TNS-00512 starting second listener from ORACLE_HOME.
I have changed the ports number, but the problem still persist !!!
Here are the listener.ora file:
Listener.ora (
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = gemini)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = gemini)(PORT = 2481))
(ORACLE_HOME = /usr/local/oracle8174)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(GLOBAL_DBNAME = sieprod)
(ORACLE_HOME = /usr/local/oracle8174)
(SID_NAME = sieprod)
Listener.ora (
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = local0))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = gemini)(PORT = 1522))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = gemini)(PORT = 2482))
(ORACLE_HOME = /usr/local/oracle92)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(GLOBAL_DBNAME = oratest)
(ORACLE_HOME = /usr/local/oracle92)
(SID_NAME = oratest)
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
Fabio Arienzo
Fabio Arienzo
Data Base Administrator
Kuwait Petroleum
Rome (Italy)
From: Oracle, Kurt Bevers 26-Sep-03 15:26
Subject: Re : TNS-00512 starting second listener in same node
Action :
1# A review on the information seem to show the listener for both the 8i and 9i are setup in the proper manner you did not state how you tried to start the listener when running Multiple Listeners you must use the listener name to start that listener as in this case starting the listener from the command prompt
lsnrctl > start listener <==== this will start the 8i listener called << listener >>
lsnrctl > start LISTENER92 <==== this will start the 9i listener called << LISTENER92 >>
2# there are many thing to keep inmind when using Multiple Listeners please note you have your listener and instance using Port# 1522 however if you have not set the local_parameter in the 9i init.ora file this instance will also register to the 8i listener listening on default port 1521 this can cause many problem even if you have set the Local_Listener in the init.ora file if you are using the SPfile in 9i this will not get updated just by restart the listener or instance, the following information is what I use to resolve most if not all of the problems
1# There couple of rules to follow when running 2 listener
A# There 3 main rules to remember when running Multiple Listeners
Rule #1 : each listener must have it own Unique listener name the default is listener so in this case let’s say the Oracle home 1 listener is called listener then the Oracle home 2 listener will needed a name like << NEW_LIST >> and to start this listener you would use a command from the listener command prompt like
lsnrctl > start << NEW_LIST >> i <==== this will start the 8i listener called << NEW_LIST >>
lsnrctl > start listener <==== this will start the 8i listener called listener
Rule #2 each listener must use a Unique Port # the default is 1521 so in this case the Oracle home 1 listener must be on 1521 and your Oracle Home 2 listener can be another port like 1523 or a port of your choosing
Rule #3 each listener must have a unique IPC entry’s this is the most over looked mistake and will stop the second listener from starting and the most common entry over looked is the EXTPROC entry just make sure there are no dup IPC entry’s
B# Please review the following Oracle Note on setup and running Multiple Listeners
NOTE: Dparton is answering the Networking Technical Forum in place of Kbevers on 9/26/03
Also if your problem continues please file a TAR# with Oracle support
From: Oracle, Kurt Bevers 26-Sep-03 15:27
Subject: Re : TNS-00512 starting second listener in same node
2# There are other possable problems running 2 listeners in 8i and 9i there is new feature call service registration / auto registration if you do not want the 8i beening register to the 9i listener then you will need to use the Local_Listener parameter in the init.ora file
A# The most common work around to the cross registration problem is using the local listener parameter In the init
Option 1# :
local_listener = “(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=serverhostname)(port=your_port))”
Option 2# :
where listener_alias is an alias known in the tnsnames.ora file.
Add, for example:
In the tnsnames.ora file, add the following service_name entry:
Add for example:
NOTE: With both options the instance will need to be restarted and if possable the listener as well,to gain a better understanding of the service registration feature please review
3# In the 9i there is another new feature called the SPFile, when the database is starts for the first time this will read from the init.ora file, now when the instance is after this point the SPFile retain this information and noloanger reads from the init.ora file so any changes made to the init.ora will not be read please review the following Oracle note on the SPfile, PLEASE do not edit this file by hand
The SPFILE is created from an existing init.ora file using the CREATE SPFILE command. This can be performed from any database state (nomount, mount, or open), since it only requires a command parser to read and evaluate the init.ora file to generate the SPFILE.
Example SQL to create an SPFILE.
SQL> create SPFILE=’/opt/oracle/admin/O901/pfile/spfileO901.ora’from Pfile=’/opt/oracle/admin/O901/pfile/initO901.ora’;
File created.
The file produced by the “create spfile” command is in a binary file format and created with a logical blocksize as specified by the db_block_size. A header block is also created and contains a checksum and some basic meta-data information. External (user) changes made to the SPFILE will result in a checksum failure and the inability to open the SPFILE. Therefore end-users should not edit the file.
To view the contents of the SPFILE, the Unix “strings” command (against the file) or the v$spparameter view can be used. See Figure 1 for a listing of the v$spparameter view.
4# In the 9i listener when running the status command you will see unknown in the service summary to understand this new feature of the 9i listener please review the following Oracle note
From: Fabio Arienzo 29-Sep-03 15:09
Subject: Re : Re : TNS-00512 starting second listener in same node
Hi Kurt,
usefull info from you about listener … now it’s a little more clear.
many thanks
Fabio Arienzo
Data Base Administrator
Kuwait Petroleum
Rome (Italy)
From: Dean Booth 01-Oct-03 17:02
Subject: Re : TNS-00512 starting second listener in same node
I am facing similar type of problem. The difference is i am on WIndows 2000 5.00 service pack 3. I have oracle 9201 running on this server. The database and listener are running fine. I had to install oracle8170 on same server due to some internal requirenment. I installed oracle 8170 as seperate oracle home and trying to create database manually and facing “TNS Protocol adapter error”.
oracle home name for oracle9201 is “oracledt” and oracle_home is c:oracle9201ora9201. Oracle home name for oracle817 is “oraclets” and oracle_home is c:oracle817ora817.
The listener for oracle9201 is running on port 1521 and name is LISTENER.
I have configured listener.ora in oracle_home c:oracle817ora817
to run on port 1524 and nameis listener8i.
When i try to svrmgrl to create database manually it gives me
error. I have set the oracle_sid,oracle_home and Path for oracle 8170 and also checked service oracleservicetama (created manually)is running.
Oracle Server Manager Release – Production
Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
“ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error.”
When i try to start the listener for oracle 8170(with or without oracle9201 listener is running) it gives me below mentioned error
Starting tnslsnr: please wait…
Failed to start service, error 997.
TNS-12536: TNS:operation would block
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00506: Operation would block
32-bit Windows Error: 997: Unknown error
When i try to start listener8i from services in control panel it says “could not service on local computer. This culd be internal windows error or onternal service error”
I cannot create the oracle 8170 database. Can anyone pelase help.
From: Oracle, Kurt Bevers 03-Oct-03 15:54
Subject: Re : Re : TNS-00512 starting second listener in same node
You need to create a ServiceRequest(TAR) with the Dataserver group to assist with creating a database. TNSListener is not required for SVRMGRL connect internal or database creation.