set pages 1000 spool compile_inv select ‘alter ‘ || object_type || ‘ ‘ || object_name || ‘ compile; ‘ from user_objects where status = ‘INVALID’; spool off
set pages 1000 spool compile_inv select ‘alter ‘ || object_type || ‘ ‘ || object_name || ‘ compile; ‘ from user_objects where status = ‘INVALID’; spool off
Q: How does changing the system clock effect Oracle?? specifically, point in time recovery?? Is it different with V6 and Oracle7?? A: Changing the system clock should really have no effect on the Oracle kernel until it comes time to do time-based media recovery. Both in V6 and V7 there may be problems if you…
Read More “Changing unix system clock when Oracle database is running.” »
set serveroutput on execute dbms_output.enable(20000); declare cursor c1 is select distinct tablespace_name from dba_data_files order by tablespace_name; cursor c3 is select name from v$controlfile order by name; cursor c4 is select member from v$logfile order by member; staging_copy_area varchar2(100) := ‘’; begin for cur in c1 loop dbms_output.put_line (‘alter tablespace ‘ || cur.tablespace_name || ‘…
# # File – arch_configUOCIOTTO.ora # # Modification History – # log_archive_format = arch%t_%r_%s.arc log_archive_dest = /IOTTOARCH
# # File – configUOCIOTTO.ora # # Modification History – # control_files=(/uocdb1/oradata/UOCIOTTO/controlUOCIOTTO_01.ctl, /uocdb2/oradata/UOCIOTTO/controlUOCIOTTO_02.ctl, /uocdb3/oradata/UOCIOTTO/controlUOCIOTTO_03.ctl) background_dump_dest=/opt/app/oracle/admin/UOCIOTTO/bdump core_dump_dest=/opt/app/oracle/admin/UOCIOTTO/cdump user_dump_dest=/opt/app/oracle/admin/UOCIOTTO/udump db_block_size = 8192 db_name = UOCIOTTO
# # File – initUOCIOTTO.ora # Modification History – # ifile =/opt/app/oracle/admin/UOCIOTTO/pfile/configUOCIOTTO.ora ifile =/opt/app/oracle/admin/UOCIOTTO/pfile/arch_configUOCIOTTO.ora cursor_sharing=SIMILAR open_cursors=3000 session_cached_cursors=10 sga_target=1610612736 #sga_max_size=3145728000 db_cache_advice=OFF db_file_multiblock_read_count=8 db_files=500 db_writer_processes=1 disk_asynch_io=TRUE fast_start_mttr_target=0 pga_aggregate_target=848297984 log_buffer=5120000 open_links=10 optimizer_mode=FIRST_ROWS optimizer_dynamic_sampling=0 processes=2000 undo_management=AUTO undo_tablespace=UNDOTBS1 remote_login_passwordfile=EXCLUSIVE compatible= db_domain=” job_queue_processes=10 #—————————————————————
God Bless All………..
God Bless All………..
God Bless All………..
God Bless All………..