exp userid=fdba file=dmp1.dmp,dmp2.dmp,dmp3.dmp log=myfinaldmp.log feedback=20000 filesize=1800M tables=Sp.SP_FLWS_ORDER_STATUS,Sp.SP_FLWS_ORDER_STATUS_DETAIL,sp.SP_MONITOR statistics=none
Default: expdat.dmp
Specifies the names of the export files to import. The default extension is .dmp. Because
Export supports multiple export files (see the following description of the FILESIZE
parameter), you may need to specify multiple filenames to be imported. For example:
imp scott/tiger IGNORE=y FILE = dat1.dmp, dat2.dmp, dat3.dmp FILESIZE=2048
You need not be the user who exported the export files; however, you must have read
access to the files. If you were not the exporter of the export files, you must also have
the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role granted to you