1. Set in INIT.ORA the parameter
resource_limit = true
and restart Database.
Since Oracle 9iR2 ( you can perform this without restarting Database
by issuing as SYS:
alter system set resource_limit=true;
2. Connect to Database as SYSTEM or SYS and create the following Profile:
create profile single_user limit sessions_per_user 1;
The other parameters should be adjusted too, but here we discuss only
the session_per_user.
3. Create the user/schema where only one concurrent connection should be allowed
and grant other needed privileges.
create user test1 identified by test1 profile single_user;
grant connect, resource to test1;
4. Test it by trying to connecting with two users “test1”:
Session 1: connect test1/test1 -> Connected
Session 2: Connect test1/test1 ->
ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit