Removing first line
ssh webdbprod23 “df -k /db6/oradata/WEBP18F” | awk ‘{print $4}’ | sed ‘1d’ 1d for deleting first 1 line. 2d for deleting first 2 lines ans so on.
ssh webdbprod23 “df -k /db6/oradata/WEBP18F” | awk ‘{print $4}’ | sed ‘1d’ 1d for deleting first 1 line. 2d for deleting first 2 lines ans so on.
To see only files use follwoing command. ls -l | grep -v “^d” To see only folders use follwoing command. ls -l | grep “^d”
Remember : 2 commands to see OS stats. (1) TOP : This command will provide following information. SIZE column display Memory allocated to this process. RES column display Actually allocated memory for the process. tuningdb21->AWRTEST@(/db1/home/oracle/paresh)top load averages: 0.17, 0.15, 0.14 10:51:36 120 processes: 119 sleeping, 1 on cpu CPU states: % idle, % user, %…
Read More “Process Map for CPU and Memory for OS processes” »
select a.measured_date, a.total_users, a.active_users, b.user_cpu, b.system_cpu, b.idle_cpu, b.wait_cpu from stats$totalusers a, stats$vmstat2 b where a.measured_date = b.start_date and to_char(measured_date,’DD-MON-YY’)=’22-NOV-05′ and to_char(measured_date,’HH24′) > ’14’ and to_char(measured_date,’HH24′) < '19' order by measured_date desc Script that populates stats$vmstat2 table is dbblkabva01:/export/home/oracle/oraprocs/get_vmstat2.ksh ——– vmstats.ksh ————- #!/bin/ksh # First, we must set the environment . . . . ORACLE_SID=BLINKT export...
*******************************************************************************************Step by Step Implementation of key based authentications from Source A to Destination B. ******************************************************************************************* (1) At source A (1-A) Generate a Key ssh-keygen -t dsa Above command creates a public key file called : and private key called id_dsa (1-B) Cat to the destination B and save as a file called authorized_keys…
Following command gives, all files that are modified in last 4 days. find /IOTTOARCH/*.arc -mtime -4 -exec ls -rlt {} ; Following command gives, all files that are modified before last 4 days. find /IOTTOARCH/*.arc -mtime +4 -exec ls -rlt {} ;
For Example, Db size : 461 GB. On SAN EMC FC4700
grep -v “^$” filename > newfilename
* To Print System Configuration /usr/sbin/prtconf Above command is useful to view Memory available to this system as following. /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep “Memory size” You can also use “top” command to see total RAM and swap info. * To see Available Processor Info. (Processor Info). psrinfo
mount -F nfs /mnt