Seeing kernel version (32/64 Bit) on Unix flavors.
-isainfo -kv on Solaris
-lsconf on AIX
-uname -a on Linux
to See configuration
-prtdiag on Solaris
-lsconf on AIX
-dmidecode on Linux
Other useful Unix commands:
Disk usage.
# df -al
Memory information.
# free
Network information.
# ifconfig -a
Installed Modules information.
Currently mounted filesystems/shares.
# mount
Process tree
# pstree
System uptime information.
# uptime
Services running in different runlevels.
# chkconfig –list
Generates hardware configuration report. (Not sure whether it is present in RH9)
# /usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/
Installed RPMS.
# rpm -q –all
List of currently open files.
# lsof -b +M -n -l
Attached USB devices.
# lsusb
Routing table information.
# route -n
Partition table
# fdisk -l
System hostname
# hostname
IP Tables information
# iptables -t filter -nvL
Listing PCI Devices
# lspci
# lspci -n
# lspci -nv
# lspci -nvv