Author: Paresh Mehta
Script Name : find_planinfo.sql
set lines 200
set pages 500
set echo off
col execs for 999,999,999
col avg_etime for 999,999.999
col avg_lio for 999,999,999.9
col begin_interval_time for a30
col node for 99999
col plan_hash_value format 99999999999999
col sql_profile format a30
col intrvl format a29
col component format a20
alter session set nls_date_format=’DD-MON-RRRR:HH24:MI:SS’;
–break on plan_hash_value,sql_profile on startup_time skip 1
accept v_sql_id prompt ‘Enter SQL_ID ->’
select s.instance_number, to_char(begin_interval_time,’DD-MON:HH24:MI’) || ‘ To ‘
|| to_char(END_INTERVAL_TIME,’DD-MON:HH24:MI’) intrvl , plan_hash_value, s.sql_profile,
nvl(executions_delta,0) execs,
(elapsed_time_delta/decode(nvl(executions_delta,0),0,1,executions_delta))/1000000 avg_etime,
(buffer_gets_delta/decode(nvl(buffer_gets_delta,0),0,1,executions_delta)) avg_lio,
round(IO_OFFLOAD_ELIG_BYTES_DELTA,2)/(1024*1024) smart_scan_elig_mb,
round(IO_OFFLOAD_RETURN_BYTES_DELTA,2)/(1024*1024) smart_scan_actual_mb,
parse_calls_delta, version_count,
resops.start_time, resops.end_time, resops.component, resops.oper_type, resops.oper_mode,
resops.initial_size/1024/1024 “from”,
resops.TARGET_SIZE/1024/1024 “to”, resops.status
from DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT S, DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT SS, gv$sga_resize_ops resops
where sql_id = ‘&v_sql_id’
and ss.snap_id = S.snap_id
and ss.instance_number = S.instance_number
and resops.inst_id(+) = s.instance_number
and executions_delta > 0
and resops.START_TIME(+) >= begin_interval_time
and resops.END_TIME(+) >= begin_interval_time
order by begin_interval_time;
select inst_id, sql_id, child_number, plan_hash_value, max(TIMESTAMP)
from gV$sql_plan
where sql_id= ‘&v_sql_id’
group by inst_id, sql_id, child_number, plan_hash_value
order by 5;
set echo on