At this time in 800P, we are having following parameter set.
———————————— ———– ——————————
processes integer 3500
sessions integer 9000
The main parameter is “processes” parameter as it depends upon the # of semaphores in the system.
This parameter depends upon followng kernel values.
nproc – Maximum number of processes that can exist simultaneously in the system
semmsl – The maximum number of sempahores that can be in one semaphore set. It should be same size as maximum number of Oracle processes.
semmns – The number of semaphores in the system.
Now on sunflower1, we are having following parameter set.
sunflower1/800P>cat /etc/system | grep semm
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=0x7631 (This is equivalent to decimal 30263)
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=5000
I am unable to find nproc kernel parameter on Sunflower1 but Kishore said it will be default to 30K.
So, Conclusion:
The max # of processes supported by current OS configuration = 5000
The max # of processes supported by current db configuraiton = 3500
This will reflect concurrent user+sever processes running on Sunflower1 DB box.