Very clear article about oracle dataguard
LGWR SYNC AFFIRM in Oracle Data Guard is used for zero data loss. How does one ensure zero data loss? Well, the redo block generated at the primary has to reach the standby across the network (that’s where the SYNC part comes in – i.e. it is a synchronous network call), and then the block…
goal: Does DBMS_JOB recompute the NEXT_DATE interval after or before executing the procedure or job? fact: PL/SQL fix: The NEXT_DATE is computed AFTER the job gets executed successfully. The INTERVAL date function is evaluated immediately before a job is executed. If the job completes successfully, the date calculated from INTERVAL becomes the new NEXT_DATE. If…
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Committing Using Only the Transaction ID The following SQL statement commits an in-doubt transaction: COMMIT FORCE ‘transaction_id’; The variable transaction_id is the identifier of the transaction as specified in either the LOCAL_TRAN_ID or GLOBAL_TRAN_ID columns of the DBA_2PC_PENDING data dictionary view. For example, assume that you query DBA_2PC_PENDING and determine that LOCAL_TRAN_ID for a distributed…
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FORCE Clause Specify FORCE to manually roll back an in-doubt distributed transaction. The transaction is identified by the text containing its local or global transaction ID. To find the IDs of such transactions, query the data dictionary view DBA_2PC_PENDING. A ROLLBACK statement with a FORCE clause rolls back only the specified transaction. Such a statement…
Check user$ table for same.
ALTER DATABASE commit TO switchover TO physical PRIMARY WITH session shutdown nowait;
In order to perform a switchover all sessions to the database need to be disconnected. In version 901 this was a manual process. In version 9.2.0 this process has been automated with the “with session shutdown” clause that has been added to the alter database commit to switchover command. If SWITCHOVER_STATUS returns SESSIONS ACTIVE then…
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