Privilege to describe the table.
The REFERENCES object privilege allows a user to describe a table for which he has been granted the privilege on.
The REFERENCES object privilege allows a user to describe a table for which he has been granted the privilege on.
Normal triggering events doesn’t succeed when corresponding triggers fails. But there is EXCEPTION for STARTUP events: STARTUP events succeed even if the trigger fails. There are also exceptions for SHUTDOWN events and for LOGON events if you login as SYSTEM
Advanced Security Options. On a UNIX platform run the ‘adapters’ command at the shell. If you have ASO installed you will see something like, Installed Oracle Advanced Security option/Security products are: RC4 40-bit encryption algorithm RC4 56-bit encryption algorithm DES40 40-bit encryption algorithm DES 56-bit encryption algorithm MD5 crypto-checksumming algorithm On Windows you will need…
Help In this Document Purpose Scope and Application All About Security: User, Privilege, Role, SYSDBA, O/S Authentication, Audit, Encryption, OLS, Database Vault, Audit Vault 1) Alerts 2) System Privileges 3) Object Privileges 4) Users and Roles 5) User and Tablespace Quotas 6) Profiles and Resource Limits 7) Password Management 8) Connect Internal and Password Files…
Read More “All About oracle password and security from metalink” »
fix: 1) Log on as SYSDBA 2) Create database link between source and target database 3) Create procedure which selects usernames,passwords from DBA_USERS in source database and inserts usernames,passwords into target database Sample SQL-statements source database: SQL> select password from dba_users where username=’SCOTT’; USERNAME PASSWORD —————————— —————— SCOTT F894844C34402B67 target database: Sqlplus> Create user SCOTT…
Read More “How To Transfer Passwords Between Databases (ref note: 199582.1)” »
Recovering from lost sys password using OS authentication on Unix. #1. make sure that the OS user that is logged on is member of the dba group. If the dba group is not known, check the file: $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.c (or config.s) #2. make sure that the sqlnet.ora file does not contain the: sqlnet.authentication_services parameter. If this…
col machine format a30 col sid format 99999 col serial# format 99999 col sid_info format a14 col Transaction_id format a20 col username format a8 col days format 99.99 col hours1 format 999999 col TX_HRS format 999 col USER_HRS format 999 col LOCK format a2 set lines 120 pages 200 select a.sid || ‘,’ || a.serial#…
Read More “longtx.sql with the flag whether session is blocking any DML locks or not.” »
Applies to: Enterprise Manager for RDBMS – Version: to 11.1 Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to 11.1 Information in this document applies to any platform. Purpose This article contains FAQ for Flash Recovery Area ( FRA ) Questions and Answers 1. What is a Flash Recovery Area and how to configure…
When the client or server closes the communication it sends TCP FIN type packet, this is a normal socket closure. However, it is not uncommon that the client server communication abruptly ending without closing the end points properly by sending FIN packet, for example, when the client or server crashed, power down or a network…
files are $ORACLE_HOME/install/setupinfo.txt $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini